Cэр Ганга Рам Больница

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Cэр Ганга Рам Больница

+91 9971589008
Сэр Ганга Рам Госпиталь Марг, Раджиндер Нагар, Нью-Дели, Дели 110060 Индия
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Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Delhi India

Госпиталь сэра Ганга Рам является современным состоянием мульти-специальностью больнией в Индии 675 коек.Он предоставляет комплексные услуги в области здравоохранения в Индии и приобрел статус первоклассного медицинского института. private sector that has maintained nearly 100% bed occupancy due to its reputation of providing the highest level of medical services to patients from Delhi and neighbouring states.

The hospital was founded initially in 1921 at Lahore by Sir Ganga Ram (1851-1927), a civil engineer and leading philanthropist of his times. After the partition in 1947, the present hospital was established in New Delhi on a plot of land approximately11 acres. The foundation was laid in April 1951 by the then Prime Minister of India Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru and inaugurated by him on 13 April 1954.

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in India continues to maintain its charitable character in accordance with to the wishes of its founder. Funds generated from the hospital services are partially utilised for providing free health care to the poor and needy patients. All development activities of the hospital are financed from internal resources, with no financial assistance provided by the government or other external agencies.

The Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is committed to make available 20% beds of total strength for admission of indigenous and financially weaker section of the society. On these beds all facilities (boarding, lodging, investigations, medicine and operative procedures are free.

Ранг Таймса
Ранг Недели
Ранг Таймса
Ранг Недели

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