Continental Hospitals Team of Doctors

Больницы Контакты

(If you're a human, don't change the following field)
Your first name.
(If you're a human, don't change the following field)
Your first name.
(If you're a human, don't change the following field)
Your first name.
Experience :25 лет
Education :MBBS MD DM
Specialization :Трансплантация почки
Experience :22 Years
Education :MBBS MD DM
Specialization :гастроэнтерология и гепатология
Experience :29Лет
Education :MBBS MS MSc
Specialization :Совместная замена
Department :ортопедия
Experience :40 Лет
Education :MBBS DNB MCH
Specialization :Нейрохирургия
Experience :17 Лет
Education :MBBS MD
Specialization :Радиационная Онкология
Department :онкология
Experience :31 Years
Education :MBBS MS DNB MCH
Specialization :пересадка почки
Experience :32 Years
Education :MBBS MD
Specialization :гастроэнтерология и гепатология
